Why everyone needs a tablet cubbie!

Why everyone needs a tablet cubbie!

Posted by Gary - Tablet Cubbie Inventor on 5th Nov 2018

We have designed and patented a special holder for Tablets, E-Readers and other personal electronics, that fits into a standard three ring binder. Every year over 74 million students - preschool to college level attend school. Most of these students over a certain grade have three ring binders to carry papers, homework and the like. These students also have electronic devices and are going to have a lot more. The press has been full of articles on the exploding sales of tablets and e-readers along with articles on schools turning to these devices to eliminate heavy textbooks, save money and give greater flexibility in all areas of teaching. Millions of tablets and e-readers are already in use in schools everywhere. Even if students attend schools that do no yet require or furnish these devices, millions of students still have their own tablets, e-readers, phones, etc. that they carry with them at all times. The whole point of the Cubbie is to let anyone who uses a binder be able to store and carry these devices in relative safety in their binders while carrying one item instead of two or more. If you want to take your device somewhere without the binder, take the Cubbie out of the binder and you have a great looking protective, semi-waterproof neoprene sleeve.